Time for a Tune Up

Time for a Tune Up

Be made new in the attitude of your minds.
Ephesians 4:23

Ongoing work is required when it comes to our faith journey. Just like our vehicles our spirits require maintenance at times.

The goal is that we would reflect Jesus through our words and actions. Put down our former way of life and be made new in attitude and in spirit.

Ways of old: deceitful desires, lies, anger, gossip, bitterness, and selfishness.
Take up the ways of Christ: truth, righteousness, holiness, kindness, compassion, building up others, and walking in love.  


What areas of your heart need work?

It's important that we care of ourselves every day the way that God cares for us. Practicing self-care will help you to bring your most authentic joyful self into the world and when you nourish your soul it can truly begin to flourish. I encourage you to take an inventory of yourself. 

Wellness Check-in-PIES-Physical, Intellectual, Emotional, Spiritual

Utilizing the acronym PIES is a great way to figure out which area of your life needs nourishment.

Ways to nourish yourself physical   
Ways to nourish yourself intellectually
Ways to nourish yourself emotionally
Ways to nourish yourself spiritually
Lord, I ask that you continue the good work in me, so that people  wonder about the change and that change glorifies you. I ask that you clothe me with Love. I want to be valuable to you and anyone I come in contact with. Heal me of scrutiny, judgement, and my own petty/foolish insecurities. Clothe me with your great virtues: compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience that are all bound together with love. 
In you name I pray-Amen.

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